
The end is near!

Laird pond burst the dam and washed out the bridge.

Roadside washouts almost made this section impassable by car.

Pretty crazy. Washed out roads, bridges and driveways. I have seen cars sitting in craters made by erosion. We are up high so it didn't affect our place. However, if it rains too much more the second way out of our road could be washed out too.


A winter afternoon making...

Work truck with dumper.

Wacky truck.

Lego action on a winter afternoon. Lego is a whole different world now. Wheels, windshields, wrenches, gas pumps and in a couple of years when the manual dexterity increases, probably bionicles. Tons of fun.


Cross country...

Got out after it warmed up post-lunch!



Zooming down the "mighty might" at Cochran.

Nice sliding snowplow turn back to the tow rope. Keenan had a blast, in fact, we all did. We are doing a program through his school where we get 10 weeks of skiing on thursday with lesson and ski package for about $10 per week! It is a really nice little friendly ski hill called Cochran's. Winter fun!